The Top 5 Benefits of Asphalt Milling You Should Be Aware Of
Though asphalt milling has been around for a few decades, there is no better way to keep your asphalt pavement in good shape. Milling is a cost-effective and practical solution for cracked or worn asphalt pavement — no wonder it is often used in place of complete demolition and repaving. What does asphalt milling exactly mean? To understand asphalt millings, it is necessary to understand one unique property of asphalt — it is recyclable. When used asphalt reaches the end of its useful life, it is recycled Asphalt Milling process how it work-through milling to restore its functioning. In fact, asphalt is the most recycled material in the US, with up to 80% of the asphalt pavement removed each year during widening and resurfacing projects is reused. Asphalt milling is the process of grinding and removing the uppermost layer of existing asphalt pavement using a milling machine. This technique eliminates the need to demolish the entire pavement and rebuild it from scratch. After remov...